Isaro Foundation in collaboration with the US embassy in Rwanda will organize a reading and writing competition during this January 2013.
“Isaro”- means “bead” and is a sign of smartness in the Rwandan language.
Founded in 2011 by Jean Leon Iragena- a Rwandan national in the U.S., Isaro Foundation is a non-profit organization. Its main goal is to empower the young generation by improving reading and writing skills in Rwanda.
“We have always been supported by the American people and we are grateful for that. The inspiration of starting Isaro Foundation was born and nurtured in America. We value our friendship with Americans and all of our partners,” Iragena said.
Isaro Foundation operates in different ways which include: Shipping books from the United States to Rwanda, organizing reading and writing competitions and empowering Rwandan teachers through creative writing training and Sponsoring young Rwandan writers who are limited by lack of means in the publication of their books.
The competition was fully sponsored by the US Embassy with a grant of $5,000.
The grant came as a result of Isaro Foundation official visit to the embassy earlier this August.
In their exchange they focused on partnering in education projects like “Everybody Reads”, among others. Jean-Léon Iragena, the CEO of Isaro Foundation, described the visit as a success.
Before the competition itself, there’s a press conference scheduled to be held at Isaro Foundation headquarters in Kigali Public Library on January 2, 2013 at 2:00 pm.
Participants will be the Isaro Foundation reading and writing clubs in secondary schools around the country.
The Foundation was received by the US Embassy’s Rose Jackson, Regional Information Resource Officer, and Eugénie Kanzayire, Cultural Affairs Specialist.
For the moment, Isaro Foundation has been able to donate books to 12 different schools in Rwanda. We have been able to organise training for 30 teachers and have been able to donate 4,000 books to schools and students.
“We are now organizing different reading and writing competitions in schools”.